Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Remember Us?

We're back! Man, I've seriously neglected this blog. It's time to play catch-up. Here are some of the little highlights along with some great pictures of the little man and sometimes us, the parents!
Unlimited pancakes-Both my dudes scarfed them down.
He's had lemons before, but this one he seriously took a bite of. He hasn't had one since!
The blizzard had us all home in p.j.'s for most of the week. This was also about the time Dylan developed a love for the movie Cars, Mater especially.
We got these ears a few weeks before Easter and he wore them non-stop for weeks. By the time Easter rolled around, he was done with them. He moved to wearing them around his tummy!
After hitting the Hershey Factory, we were off to Sonic. The little man turns into a super stud whenever he wears Andrew's sunglasses!
This year's Egg Hunt was too fun. Dylan still has a bit of an issue with grass, hence the little pinching fingers. Things got a bit crazy once he learned they opened. Fun!
{April}I love my dudes!

Memorial day was the first swim of the year! He's turning out just like his Dad-Go Sox!
{May} After a much needed haircut a few days ago, this is the little man today!

The mini-trampoline we borrowed from my Mom has been one of his favorites lately. It's better than jumping off the couches onto the floor!

Within the last few days Dylan has gotten into the habit of climbing up behind me when I'm sitting on a chair and throwing his arms around my neck. That's his silent cue for a piggy-back ride, but I just love how it feels!

We've been quite the busy little family lately, and I hope to get more info up soon.
We love you!