Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Silently Counting

I have to give a little back story to this video in order for you to really understand why we(the parents) were amazed. First off, Dylan is just barely beginning to talk. Words like Map, Backpack, Up and Ball have started coming out in the last two weeks, and we're thrilled! We still don't know how many other things he associates with their actual words though. Tonight we ended up at the local mall to give Dylan some much needed run-around time. There is a board game kind of theme with a large multi-colored path and a gigantic 'spinner'(doesn't actually spin). Andrew looked up at one point and realized that Dylan was jumping from number to number. We quickly caught on to why he was doing this, and I pushed Andrew over to get a video of it. (Just so you know, there wasn't any coaching or counting. He did this on his own. This video was the 5th or 6th time he did it.)

Now to most parents this might not mean much for their almost 3 year old, but this is huge for Dylan! I hope you were smiling and cheering as much as we did!


sostinkinhappy said...

SQUEEEEEE!!!!!! Brittanie, how wonderful! I can't believe how big he has gotten - he doesn't look like a toddler any more. He's a real boy!!!!

I can hardly wait to hear about the next success story.

Nicole said...

What a little Einstein!! Kills me that they know things that we don't know they know...follow me?? Anyways..J and I will be coming over for a Math lesson :)

Mrs Abbott said...

Awesome! Way to go, Dylan!

Katz said...

YAY, Dylan!